venerdì 22 marzo 2019


On Friday 22nd February, the second classes of our school went to the "Don Bosco" theatre in Lecce to see a musical in the English language, "The Canterville Ghost" - a free adaptation of Oscar Wilde's play - interpreted by very talented actors in a modern and easygoing way.
An American family, "The Otis family", moves to England and buys an ancient English castle. The owner, Lord Canterville, warns the family that a ghost haunts the house, as he is the ancient owner: Sir Simon de Canterville, a nobleman of the 1500s who killed his wife. That’s why he is doomed to spend the eternity within the castle until a young man or girl with a spotless heart shed tears for a sinner.  
There are curious characters such as: Mrs. Umney, the housekeeper, terrified by the presence of the ghost; Cecil, the young and charming Virginia’s neighbor; Virginia, the second-born daughter of the Otis; and the twins, the youngest children, Stars and Stripes, very patriotic names, as we can see from their names that echo the American flag. The story ends with the deliverance of Simon's unhappy spirit thanks to the compassion and prayers of Virginia, a pure-hearted girl, and with her marriage to Cecil.
The show was colorful, ironic, exciting and full of music! The actors, who played various characters on the scene, as well as demonstrating their skills as singers and dancers, have fit perfectly in their part, making it clear the different personality traits of each character. In addition, the contrast between the English and the Americans was highlighted, pointing out the different accents, attitudes and styles.
We guys actively participated in the show, often applauding and clapping our hands in time with the music during the songs.
After the show the actors introduced themselves and interacted with us guys; we asked them some questions about the show and other more personal ones.
Maybe we guys didn't understand exactly every single word of the show, as it was acted in the English language by English actors, but the language of body, theatre and entertainment is universal!

Clarissa Stella
Joele Paladini



Il 28 febbraio la nostra scuola ha ospitato la compagnia teatrale “Cantacunti” che, attraverso le sue canzoni, ci ha fatto riflettere sugli orrori della shoah.
Il filo conduttore dei brani era incentrato sulla figura di E. Springer: donna silenziosa e discreta, sopravvissuta allo sterminio di Auschwitz e dedicataria della nostra scuola. Elisa, dopo cinquanta lunghi anni di silenzio, ha deciso di rivelare al mondo le terribili sofferenze vissute nel lager nel momento in cui ha strappato quel cerotto che copriva la tremenda ferita dell’anima. A24020 era la sua identità ad Auschwitz.
I cantanti hanno saputo interpretare, in modo mirabile con le loro musiche, parole e gesti, l’atmosfera di dolore e sofferenza che ha caratterizzato la vita di E. Springer. Essi, inoltre, hanno richiamato la nostra attenzione su un fenomeno attuale ma altrettanto tragico e doloroso: la morte di centinaia di emigranti nel Mediterraneo e il lavoro incessante e amorevole di tutti coloro che cercano di strapparli alla morte.
La particolare musica di questi artisti ha catturato la sensibilità di noi ragazzi, abituati a generi completamente diversi, facendoci capire le grandi possibilità espressive del linguaggio musicale.
Alla fine dello spettacolo il coro della scuola ha cantato il brano “Non più silenzio” dedicato ad E. Springer

Mariachiare Martella
Manca Lucrezia
Pastore Mirea
Liaci Marco